It's a common misconception that all mosquitoes drink blood. Usually, both genders of mosquitoes drink nectar from plants to survive, but that won't stop you from getting bitten this summer. Only...
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The executioner wasp is more painful than a bullet ant and can even burn a hole in your skin, but even worse, it can keep stinging. A wasp can cause a tremendous amount of pain, even if you're...
When wasps get into the soffit, you can pull the nest out, but it will take more effort than that to keep them from rebuilding the colony in the same space. Unfortunately, foam insulation isn't...
Queen wasps will nest in any enclosed space they feel is protected from the elements to keep their colony safe. It can be frightening when you suddenly spot wasps going into the space behind your car...
Headbutting is a natural behavior in goats, and they use it to play and show affection. However, goats are intelligent creatures, and they also use gentler ways of expressing their appreciation to...
Goats aren't as famous as turkeys are for their wattles, but they grow them nonetheless. Goats, along with many bids, red wattle pigs, and other animals, can all have wattles. However, in humans,...