When a mosquito bites you, it injects specially evolved saliva to numb the area, so you feel nothing, but can they numb themselves? Insect biology is very different from mammals. It's hard to...
Category: Insects
Mosquitoes are cunning hunters that use their senses of smell and vision to find blood-filled prey to dine on so the protein can nourish their eggs. Humans, with relatively thin skin and lack of fur,...
The older a mosquito is, the longer it will spend sucking your blood after sticking you with its proboscis. Although mosquitoes don't live long, they will typically live another one to three weeks...
Mosquitoes have a very different way of getting oxygen to their organs than mammals; in fact, they don't have blood vessels. Instead, a mosquito's heart pumps a fluid known as hemolymph, which serves...
It's a common misconception that all mosquitoes drink blood. Usually, both genders of mosquitoes drink nectar from plants to survive, but that won't stop you from getting bitten this summer. Only...
The executioner wasp is more painful than a bullet ant and can even burn a hole in your skin, but even worse, it can keep stinging. A wasp can cause a tremendous amount of pain, even if you're...