Why Do Cats Yowl Before Throwing Up

Why Do Cats Yowl Before Throwing Up

Cats yowl because they are angry, upset, afraid, trapped, or in pain. Most cats make a disturbing and very identifiable gagging noise that pet owners recognize instantly when they throw up.

However, that most often comes before they cough up a furball. Why do cats yowl before throwing up?

Cats yowl before throwing up to indicate that they are nauseated. A cat vocalizes to express a physical or mental feeling or for help. It is normal for some cats to yowl before vomiting. Your cat may be more sensitive or vocal than the average cat, but many felines only gag before throwing up.

Why Does My Cat Meow And Throw Up

Your cat meows to communicate with you, so when they meow and throw up, they are letting you know.

Vomiting isn’t ‘normal,’ which is to say it only happens when something inside a body doesn’t belong there. Throwing up is a defense mechanism. Cats expel the issue in hopes of feeling better afterward, and it often helps.

There are differences between throwing up a hairball, food, foreign objects, and only bile. It’s important to pay attention to your pet when they get sick.

Here is what to look for when your cat throws up:

  • Bile alone is usually yellowish or transparent and can be foamy. It indicates vomiting on an empty stomach. This can be caused by illness or merely a nasty smell. If your cat vomits bile, pay close attention to them. Ensure that it’s a one-time incident or take them in for an exam and consult with a professional. Bile and stomach acid could damage your pet’s esophagus if they throw up too often.
  • If your cat throws up a foreign object like a piece of plastic, yarn, or string, then they’ve been chewing and swallowing things they shouldn’t. Keep an eye on them and take them to the vet if it continues or other symptoms occur. Plus, just as important, keep them out of the non-foods they tend to try and eat.
  • Food is pretty easy to identify. Cats who eat too fast often throw up food that looks almost exactly like it did when they ate it. This throwing up can result from a bowl that is too low, which causes them to swallow at an uncomfortable angle. It can also mean bad food, overeating, or some other problem like a sick cat. Change their bowls, and don’t worry too much unless it happens regularly.
  • Hairballs are arguably the worst. These gross, wet lumps of cat fur are a natural result of your pet bathing with their tongue and ingesting their hair. Sadly, cat hair is not something they can digest, but most cats can pass it through their body and poop it out. Cat Doctors says, “Hairball remedy is a flavored mixture of petroleum jelly and mineral oil, which forms an oily lubricant that helps hair pass through the digestive system. Interestingly, some cats are willing to eat unflavored Vaseline or generic petroleum jelly, and this is an acceptable substitute. We do not recommend giving mineral oil by itself, as it is easily inhaled by the cat as it is swallowed and can cause fatal lung toxicity.”

Is It Normal For Cats To Yowl Before Vomiting

It is normal for some cats to yowl before vomiting. Your cat may be more sensitive or vocal than the average cat, but many felines only gag before throwing up.

Both options are typical depending on the cat, so new pet owners may need to get acclimated to their pet’s behavior.

Unfortunately, if your cat is not a yowl-and-vomit type and they suddenly start yowling before they throw up, it could be an indication of a more significant issue.

Winston-Salem Carolina Vet says, “Some of the most common causes of upset stomach in cats include a reaction to eating something bad, viruses and parasites, or more serious problems such as cancer or organ conditions.”

Cat Howls Before Vomiting

Whether it’s new behavior or a new pet when your cat howls before vomiting, it’s bound to be alarming to you. That’s a good sign that you are a caring pet owner.

The howl can sometimes mean something unusual is happening, so it’s best always to pay attention.

Do Cats Throw Up When Upset

Cats make such good companions because they are a lot like us. Too much anxiety or stress can undoubtedly turn your pet’s stomach.

If your kitty has been through some trauma or even gotten scared, then they might be throwing up when they are upset.

Some animals are naturally more anxious than others. Watch out for these warning signs from Pet MD if you think your cat is unusually nervous, “… you may notice pacing or restlessness, hiding, decreased appetite, vocalization, hypervigilance, trembling, salivation, and excessive grooming.”

Do Cats Vomit To Get Attention

Cats don’t just choose to throw up to get your attention. However, they can get freaked out by changes in their environment and routine, and that anxiety may lead to vomiting.

In this case, they need your attention, but they aren’t merely acting out but rather feeling genuinely sick.

A cat can force itself to throw up by eating too quickly. However, very few animals, particularly the smart ones like cats, would choose to eat themselves sick if they have control over it.

Why Do Cats Throw Up Randomly

Cats do not throw up ‘randomly.’ Although you may not immediately understand the reason for each incident, rest assured it isn’t pure chance.

Additionally, cats don’t ‘just throw up,’ meaning it’s not healthy behavior. While, for example, many cats have hairball issues, this is a legitimate problem, and it is treatable.

Helpful Tips To Know About Why Cats Yowl Before Throwing Up

Your cat yowling and vomiting isn’t a pleasant experience for either of you. Fortunately, there’s plenty you can do to help them out.

Here are some helpful tips to know about why cats yowl before throwing up.

  • A cat who has accidentally ingested something toxic will throw up. In fact, they may even vomit enough to risk dehydration as their bodies try to purge the foreign poison. Always go straight to the vet if your cat s yowling and throwing up repeatedly.
  • Sometimes when a cat yowls and throws up, it signifies more profound internal pain and problems. Digestive tract obstructions and many other severe threats to their health are not visually apparent.
  • Cats do their best to hide it when they are feeling sick or weak. A yowl and throwing up could be your first actual warning about significant issues.

Final Thoughts

Cats yowl before they throw up to let you know that something feels off and they are about to vomit. While not all cats do this, for some, it is expected before every incident.

Meanwhile, other cats never yowl unless they are seriously hurt or very ill. Always pay attention when your cat yowls or throws up, as these can both be warning signs of other problems.

Hopefully, you only have a sensitive cat with hairballs, but the yowl-and-vomit combo could also warn you of deeper problems and potentially save your pet’s health or life by telling you they need a vet visit.

Ted Smith

My name is Ted Smith and I’m the creator of AnimalThrill.com. I have a passion for educating people about animals and wildlife. I have been working with the National Wildlife Federation for the past 10 years and I became a wildlife blogger to help people become excited about animals and encouraged to care for these wonderful creatures.

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